Harvest Ridge Together Groups

We believe that community is where personal transformation and spiritual growth happen best; care for and support is found; and God’s love for the world is most effectively demonstrated.

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Where personal transformation and spiritual growth happen best;
care for and support is found; 
God’s love for the world is most effectively demonstrated.


HRT groups meet in the homes of Harvest Ridge families (or at church or virtually) and provide a place where people can experience community, study the Bible, pray, and serve together for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.

Here are more details about HRT groups:

  • On-Ramps and Off-Ramps - HRT groups run in sessions. Each “semester” people have an opportunity to sign up for the first time, change groups, or step out of a group.
  • Content – Each group can study a book of the Bible together, discuss the sermon passage(s) more in-depth using a weekly sermon discussion guide, or study another book together.
  • Schedule – Most HRT groups meet at least twice monthly — once for Bible study and once to serve, but groups may create a schedule that works for their members.
  • Group Organization – Groups are determined by preference for virtual or in-person meetings, geographic location, availability, and life stage. In-person groups may meet in homes or coordinate the use of a church classroom.  In multi-generational groups, we ensure that each life-stage participating has at least two members.