December 18, 2022

Advent: Let Your Light Shine

Preacher: Jeff Flanagan Scripture: Matthew 5:13-16

Sermon Outline for December 18, 2022
ADVENT 2022: Let Your Light Shine

Matthew 5:13-16

Three Insights from Matthew 5:13-15:
1. These are statements of fact and reality (“you are salt of the earth ... light of the world”)
2. Salt and light are beneficial and useful for accomplishing specific aims or purposes (i.e., to
preserve and to enlighten)
3. The aim and goal of the Christians is the glory of God

• Accept and embrace your identity as “salt” and “light” on this world.
• With intentionality, plan for ways you can be salt and light to those around you.
• Analyze the values being modeled by your words and actions. Is your life representing the values
of God’s kingdom more than the values of this world?

• During the course of your week, how aware are you of your identity as salt and light on this earth?
• Who is someone you can be salt and light to in your life? What is something specific you can do
that will glorify God to that person?
• What are areas of your life that stand out from the values of the culture around you? Which areas
of your life could someone point to as representing the values of God’s kingdom?
• What are areas of your life where you do not stand out from the values of the surrounding culture?
What could change so that people might see God through your life?

Sending Word:
1 Peter 2:9, But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special
possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his
wonderful light.